OntoArte originates from the Ontopsychological analysis of existence. Ontopsychology is the science that researches the essence, and not the appearance, of things, in order to single out the efficient praxis for the historical subject. In other words, it is an ontology that accords with the functional criterion (or meter) of the human being.
Ontopsychology looks at reality in a simple way, then carries out a process of drastic scientific ontology, for the essence of the existential subject. But it does not begin with ontology; that is, it is not a projection of this type of philosophy onto psychology. Ontopsychology begins at the clinical condition of the subject, here and now. It takes on the research from the beginning, advancing as it finds correspondence in nature – the aim for which the research began. It has thus made discoveries such as the monitor of deflection, and many other negative archetypes. Beyond all these layers, it finally encounters the In Sé (In-itself): the project intended by nature, the way in which the human being is positioned by Being. The demonstration of all these discoveries rests in the fact that it constitutes a knowledge that works. Hence, the certainty of the Ontopsychological method is in its functional utilitarianism: applying this method, one unfailingly obtains certain positive results.
This observation has given rise to many openings to and coincidences with all of the superior art of critical thought.
All the movement of the science of Ontopsychology tends toward OntoArte.
La forma
Dal latino forma = modello, impronta, disegno, figura. Specificità di modo
in un quantico statico o dinamico. Modo interno che specifica e differenzia
12 anni fa
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